The London Stage Data Associations, 1660-1800

The London Stage is a key reference work documenting theatrical performances in eighteenth-century London. This information has been compiled from the playbills, newspapers and theatrical diaries of the period. This text analysis tool has been developed to illustrate trends within and between theatres, across years, between works performed, roles enacted and actors included in The London Stage, for the years 1660-1800 to inform further research.

  • Select one of the tabs below and an item from the list (ordered by frequency) on the left-hand side to view the terms most commonly associated with the entry you have selected.
  • In the right-hand panel you will see the top five most popular associations and the number of times these terms appear.
  • To view more, click the  icon.
  • The highlighted list on the right-hand side shows how these common occurrences relate to the total occurrences of the selected entry; the darker the colour, the more associations there are between the terms.

How to use The London Stage Data Associations

  • Select an entry from the list on the left to generate the most frequently occurring items associated with the selection. The number of terms that are commonly associated will be displayed next to each item.
  • The top five common occurrences are shown by default underneath subheadings. To view more, click on the  icon.

  • For further data associations, use the tabs to select a new field: Theatre; Year; Work Performed; Roles and Actors.

  • For further help, see the Page by Page Guide.
Alphabetical Frequency