The London Stage Database, 1660-1800

The London Stage is a key reference work documenting theatrical performances in eighteenth-century London. This information has been compiled from the playbills, newspapers and theatrical diaries of the period.

Within this database, it is now possible to search all the performances of The London Stage between 1660-1800 using the title of the performance, names of performers, date ranges and theatres.

Use the search boxes below to explore this database, or refine your search by actors – using their surname – roles and performances. Use the date range and theatre dropdown list to further enhance your search, or to browse the database entries.

Clicking on highlighted theatres, performances, or actors will search the The London Stage between 1660-1800 for all instances of that term.

Showing 1 to 20 of 114404
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29 Oct 1659
Saturday 29
London's Triumph  
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1 Nov 1659
The Countryman or Clown  
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18 Dec 1659
Sunday 18
An Epilogue  
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1 Feb 1660
The Countryman or Clown  
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28 Mar 1660
Wednesday 28
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12 Apr 1660
Thursday 12
Bacchus Festival  
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1 May 1660
Love Hath Found Out His Eyes  
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1 Jun 1660
The Rump  
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Early June
Madam Epicene  
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23 Jun 1660
Saturday 23
The Tamer Tamed  
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5 Jul 1660
Thursday 5
London's Glory Represented by Time, Truth, and Fame  
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8 Aug 1660
[Wednesday 8]
Cromwell's Conspiracy  
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18 Aug 1660
Saturday 18
The Loyal Subject  
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10 Sep 1660
Monday 10
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13 Sep 1660
Thursday 13
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11 Oct 1660
Thursday 11
Othello, The Moor of Venice  
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16 Oct 1660
Tuesday 16
Wit without Money  
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29 Oct 1660
Monday 29
The Royal Oake  
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2 Nov 1660
Friday 2
Wit without Money  
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5 Nov 1660
Monday 5
Wit without Money  
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