Editorial Board
The following academics and collection specialists have provided essays, advice and feedback for Eighteenth Century Drama. We are very grateful for their help and support:
Dr David O'Shaughnessy
Assistant Professor at the School of English
Trinity College Dublin
Professor David Worrall
Emeritus Professor of English
Nottingham Trent University
Dr Elaine McGirr
Senior Lecturer in English and Drama
Royal Holloway, University of London
Professor Felicity Nussbaum
Distinguished Professor in Humanities
University of California
Professor Matthew Kinservik
Professor of English
University of Delaware
Professor Michael Burden
Fellow in Music and Professor in Opera Studies
New College, University of Oxford
Professor Robert D Hume
Evan Pugh University Professor of English
Pennsylvania State University
Dr Robert Jones
Senior Lecturer in English Literature
University of Leeds
Roberto Alvarez
Independent Researcher
Professor Ros Ballaster
Professor of Eighteenth Century Studies
Mansfield College, Oxford
Sara S "Sue" Hodson
Curator, Literary Manuscripts
The Huntington Library